Find yourself frantically searching, “Can you return a car if it has problems” or “Can you return a leased car within 24 hours” after seemingly moments of owning your vehicle? You’ve finally landed in the perfect place.
Both federal and state laws protect you if you’ve purchased a car with severe mechanical faults. Known as lemon laws, dealerships are bound by them, ensuring you’re financially covered if things go wrong. However, sellers aren’t necessarily obliged to accept a return for smaller issues once you’ve signed the sales contract or lease agreement.
While this may be disappointing, there are always exceptions, and we’ll cover all the intricacies in the sections below.
Can You Return a Car If It Has Problems?
Generally speaking, federal laws don’t detail a return period following a car’s purchase. Despite state laws often differentiating themselves from nationwide regulations, they tend to mirror federal requirements in this case. As such, dealers aren’t legally obliged to give you the right to cancel a transaction.
That said, some states and independent dealers may provide a grace period, allowing you to return the vehicle within a certain period following the sale. Finding a dealership with this policy, however, may be harder than you’d appreciate.
Unlike jackets or shoes, returning a car can be a lengthy, stressful process filled with obstacles and hoops to jump through. Minor problems don’t always qualify for a return, so most only consider it worthwhile if your vehicle’s a lemon.
And no, we aren’t talking about the citrus fruit.
If professionals have made several attempts to fix the problem but it’s still broken, lemon laws let you return the vehicle for a full refund. Like most laws, they can vary from state-to-state and situation-to-situation. For the most part, they necessitate “a reasonable number of repair attempts” before your car is considered a lemon.
Can You Return a New Car?
Due to franchise laws in the United States, auto manufacturers don’t own dealerships. Thus, they cannot award the “yes” your “Can you return a new car?” question desires.
There’s good news, though: a dealership is the simplest place to rectify your problem. If you’ve bought a new vehicle from a certified dealer, resolve it with them for best results. Just go in and speak to a representative; they want you to be happy and will do whatever they can to exceed your expectations.
Truth is, you have every right to feel frustrated, but there’s no need to be confrontational. Explain the issue calmly and see what they offer. Of course, the result depends on your situation and the dealer. However, they don’t want you to leave unsatisfied.
Can You Return a Used Car?
According to the Federal Trade Commission, dealers in some states must give you the right to cancel your used car purchase within three days. So, if you were pondering the question, “Can you return a car within 24 hours?” consider it sorted.
In fact, some dealers let you return used cars beyond 30 days after the purchase. They’re more willing to accept used vehicles as new cars lose their new status the second they drive off the lot, costing the dealership money upon resale.
Can You Return a Leased Car?
If you’re currently a chronic “can you return a leased car?” searcher, you might be disappointed — contracts are legally binding. If you sign it, you agree to it. Despite this, dealers often let you cancel the lease early; you’ll just pay hefty penalties.
As for your burning, “Can you return a leased car within 30 days” and “Can you return a leased car within 24 hours” questions, the answer ultimately lies in your contract.
Different dealerships set out different timeframes, meaning you may be able to return the vehicle within your queried periods.
Some Red Flags to Look Out for to Avoid Buying a Problem Car
After you’ve experienced the outrage of a defective vehicle, you don’t want to go through that again. So, the next time you’re car shopping, look out for these red flags:
General Signs:
- Suspension noises
- Under-the-hood issues
- Rust
- Uneven tread wear
- Too-good prices
- Lots of Owner Complaints and Recalls
Additional Signs for Electric Cars:
- Battery Problems: Rapid deterioration of battery capacity or range, or frequent charging issues.
- Software Glitches: Frequent software bugs or system crashes affecting the car’s operation.
- Electric Motor Issues: Unusual noises, vibrations, or poor performance from the electric motor.
- Regenerative Braking Issues: Problems with regenerative braking systems affecting braking performance or efficiency.
You’ll never completely eradicate the risk of buying a problem car. But by looking out for these telltale no-no’s, you’re doing everything you can to prevent the unfortunate event.
The Bottom Line: Remember Your Rights
At the end of the day, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for your car-returning questions. It just depends on the fine print in your contract/agreement.
So, can you return a car within 24 hours? Can you return a used car? Can you return a leased car within 30 days? You’re armed with the typical, far-reaching answers. It’s now time to peruse your contract to solidify the specifics.

Managing Editor
Christopher is an automotive technical writer. When he’s not at the local autocross event, he can often be found working on one of his cars. Specializes in automotive class action law, industry trends, and automotive maintenance. Email me direct, or learn more about us